Release a non snapshot jxpfw version

A non snapshot release should be really stable and hence be better tested than a snapshot release. Execute the next steps in order to create a non snapshot release.

Step 1 - Snapshot release

Create a snapshot release as described here. We now know for sure that the latest snapshot release is equal to the non snapshot version, that is about to be created.

Step 2 - Update pom.xml

Remove -SNAPSHOT from jxpfw\pom.xml and jxpfw-demo-web\pom.xml.
Check the dependency upon josef and optionally change the version in jxpfw\pom.xml.

Step 3 - Checkin

Check in all artifacts.

Step 4 - Build jxpfw

Make sure that your jxpfw directory is the current directory. Execute: mvn clean install
Correct any errors and repeat until this command finishes successfully.

Step 5 - Build jxpfw-demo-web

Make sure that your jxpfw-demo-web directory is the current directory. Execute: mvn clean install
Correct any errors and repeat until this command finishes successfully.

Step 6 - Test

Deploy the jxpfw-demo-web war in a container like WebLogic and perform a manual test. When erros are found, correct them and go back to step 1.

Step 7 - Deploy

Deploy the non-snapshot version of jxpfw by executing: mvn clean deploy.

Step 8 - Tag

Create an svn tag on all jxpfw modules.. Right click the jxpfw directory and select TortoiseSVN->Branch/tag...
For the trunk use tags/jxpfw-3-1-x, where x has to be replaced with the proper version number.

Step 9 - Update pom files

Increase the minor version in jxpfw\pom.xml and jxpfw-demo-web\pom.xml and add -SNAPSHOT.
Maybe change the dependency upon josef as well.

Step 10 - Build

Execute a mvn install for both jxpfw and jxpfw-demo-web.

Step 11 - Check in

Check in the changed pom files.

Step 12 - Deploy

Deploy the snapshot version of jxpfw by executing: mvn clean deploy.

Step 13 - Update SourceForge site

For a non snapshot release, you may want to update the jxpfw site maintained at sourceforge. For starters, upload the jars. When you are logged in, you can use this link:
Secondly, update the Site with reports and api doc by executing: mvn site-deploy. Note that this requires an active shell. For windows users this can be set up with PuTTY.